This is a free service provided by Vermont Local Roads for municipalities. If you have an item for bid or sale or a job posting you would like displayed here, contact Vermont Local Roads at
Help Wanted
Chittenden Solid Waste District - Solid Waste Drop-Off Center Positions
City of Montpelier - Water/Sewer Mechanic, Truck Driver, Level 1
- City of South Burlington - Stormwater Project Manager
Town of Bolton - Road Commissioner & Equipment Operator Maintenance Technician
Town of Calais - Seeking Full-Time or Part-Time Road Crew Members
- Town of Hartford - Chief Wastewater Operator
- Town of Hyde Park - Heavy Equipment Operator
Town of Middlebury - Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent
Town of Morristown - Equipment Operator-Laborer or Tech I-Tech II-Tech III
- Town of Morristown - Town Administrator
Town of Wheelock - Highway Crew Member/Heavy Equipment Operator
- Town of Wolcott - Highway Worker
For Bid/Sale
Surplus and Overseas Property
If any town is interested in surplus they can contact VT State Surplus at 241-3384. Please note: Vermont Local Roads provides this service as a means to transfer information to our constituents. It does not play any role in facilitating the purchase of these items or guaranteeing satisfaction with these items. All questions and inquiries into the items, acquisition process and risk involved in purchase must be directed to Vermont State Surplus property.
Surplus Property
- Items Generally Available
- Chairs
- Computer tables
- File cabinets
- Computers (Pentium 4 with Windows XP)
- Network servers
- Printers
- Desks
- Storage Cabinets
- Overseas Surplus
- No Overseas Surplus at this time.