General Information about Workshops
- Not all workshops are offered yearly.
- Vermont Local Roads tries to provide instructors who are most suited to the topic.
The Vermont Local Roads Scholar Program provides opportunities for further advancement and encourages continuing education. It also enables Vermont Local Roads the flexibility to offer new and innovative workshops.
Workshops have been categorized into Technical, Safety, Equipment, Environmental, or Supervisory accredited workshops. This ensures that you have a broad knowledge in your field from each category.
There are three Roads Scholar Levels and a Masters. Each Level builds on the total from the last Level, i.e., Level 1 requires 30 hours technical, 12 more hours are required for Level 2 for a total of 42 technical hours.
The calculation of hours is kept track of in the Learning Management System and you can request your credentials to login and review anytime.
A certification will be provided to help keep track of your hours. The category designations and number of hours will now be listed on flyers, e.g., Technical, 6 hours. Certificates will be awarded upon completion of each level with in the Learning Management System. When Masters level is completed a plaque will be awarded.